Dealing with break ups

I’m going to hit a few points here for the heart broken and the single individuals. If you haven’t experienced a break up yet then I want you to especially take in these words and advice for future and further relationships you might pursue.

I’ve had my fair share of break ups and it’s never fun. I’ll admit some were worse than others and no matter the situation it was difficult to recover.But it is possible. Whether you dated them for 3 months or 3 years it’s very hard to pick up the pieces from where it ended. We put these false accusations into our head of why the break up occurred. “Maybe I was too clingy,  wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, or it was too good to be true..” That’s not always the case. I hope that you can realize that you weren’t the problem and there is nothing wrong with you. Don’t blame or hate yourself for it. You’re better off without them honestly. That sounds harsh, but if they aren’t treating you the right way or loving you unconditionally or doing sweet things for you then you don’t need to be with them. They don’t deserve someone who is providing those actions listed above when they aren’t giving their end too. On the other hand you can possibly fall into a state of depression or isolation because of the sadness and emptiness you feel as an affect from the break up. As rough as it is, don’t be too hard on yourself. You don’t need to punish yourself because of what happened. Feeling sad and depressed is normal after but you shouldn’t be stuck there without trying to move on. Small steps are key. Make sure to take care of yourself and surround yourself with friends and close relatives who are going to be supportive and loving. This makes the process a lot easier for you. With the recovering process comes negative thoughts and hurtful actions such as skipping meals, self infliction, negative self talk, etc. It’s all an effect from the depression. You are far more better than to do this. Once you start you probably won’t stop or won’t want to. It can lead to serious medical conditions and I hope that you will not take this route. There is no reason valid enough that makes it okay to do. My advice would to avoid triggering things that might spark this feeling or thought. Try and have an open mind with positive and uplifting words. Do something to take your mind off of this break up. You could go for a walk, paint, draw, listen to music, talk to a friend (it helps), play with your dog/cat, etc. If you do end up stuck with the self infliction, or eating disorder as a result then please do something and get help or talk to someone that can get you the assistance you deserve and need. You are loved no matter if you’re in a relationship or not. God is your best friend and the best coach we have. You’re His number one. If you’re feeling lost, confused, or broken run to God. He’s always here for you no matter what. He knows you and your story. You have nothing to hide so seek Him during these times where you feel left for the dead or alone. You may feel upset towards God because you really loved this significant other or because things were actually getting serious. He’s doing what’s best for you. Maybe two weeks later you were going to find out that he was cheating on you or a big fight was coming. God saved you from an even worse heart break. This is all apart of His perfect plan. The plan is even better than what you have in mind and is just for you. Trust His actions and words. He loves you more than life itself.

To the single ones out there who are wondering why they’ve been “alone” for so many years of months well here it goes. I believe that God is waiting on His perfect plan for you. He knows you’ve been lonely for a while now. I challenge you to pray about this and to wait on His plans and surprises for you. He has a lot of happiness and joy for you stored under his sleeve. I know it sucks waiting and waiting on what seems like nothing but I can assure you that you will find your person. Patience is essential at this point. Wouldn’t you rather wait a bit for something great than be in a relationship where you aren’t satisfied and knew there was better out there? Jeremiah 29:11, it’s a very popular verse but it can be applied here. It states “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” It seems cliche  but it’s the truth in all matters. This concludes of His perfect plan. He doesn’t want to give you a quarter when you’re worthy of a dollar. Be careful with your actions in the relationships. They can come with some tricks. But with God in the center of the relationship you will be on a stable structure. My relationships were never center on God. Sometimes God was never even present and I believe that was a huge problem now. I never realized how important it was for God to be as involved as you were in it. I wish you the best of luck and to be patient and let God guide you in this journey. You won’t be alone or lonely forever. God has much for you to come. He’s the most gracious and loving King. He’s got you. So don’t worry and stay serving Him forever because you will always be taken care of.

Here’s a video to finish this: Hitting Rock Bottom


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