Throughout life, we are going to experience the good and the bad. Unfortunately sometimes the bad may outweigh the good. But this doesn’t mean that we should shy away from God. It’s difficult to remain faithful to Him once we go through so much darkness. Although, He does provide the light to guide us through that exact situation. Do not ever quit on God. He’s always been faithful to you.

Here’s my message:

Don’t let your negative experiences make you believe that God is no longer good, that He’s completely abandoned you, and that He doesn’t love you. Because all of those couldn’t be far from true. There is nothing that you could do to make God ever lose His goodness, love for you, or grasp on your life. He is never going to give up on you. It doesn’t matter what’s happened, what’s going to happen, or what’s occurring in the moment right now. He is forever working in your favor.

Just a couple reminders:

Jesus is alive.

He is gracious and merciful.

You are loved. —–> Fact or Opinion?

FACT. (You are Loved – Stars Go Dim)

We have much to thank God for, such as the following listed below:

  1. Our existence
  2. Family
  3. Friends
  4. Flaws
  5. Removing people from our lives
  6. Bringing new people in our lives
  7. Health
  8. Finances
  9. His Agape Love
  10. Our Freedom

G.O.D – Gracious, Obedient, Desirable

God is absolutely stunning. I can’t even put my description of Him into words because you can’t explain perfection. If it weren’t for Him, I would’ve never found healing and recovery through His abounding love and mercy. Living with mental illnesses isn’t easy. It’s a constant, daily challenge to live on. I believe that God has saved my life countless times.

He found me in the darkness (scarred, tear-stained face, broken, empty, numb, cold, and vulnerable). I craved for something different. I knew that needed God, but I was so stubborn and insecure. I even remember thinking to myself that I was “too messed” for Him, and I was doubtful.

But He accepted me as I was in that moment and couldn’t have loved me any less. I’m so thankful that God, said “Come as you are Child.” Ever since that day I was saved, my life has not been the same. I’m definitely changed. I’m not going to say that I don’t have those nights where I struggle, have bad anxiety, panic, attacks, and depression; but I give God the glory no matter what.

Please don’t let your thoughts, others, or doubtful emotions stop you from finding happiness, recovery, joy, and self-love. You are the most important person on this earth. Take care of yourself. You are you and no one can take that away. You are strong enough.




I want to bring more change, positivity, and happiness through every submission. I want it to be 100% real. No hiding or anything. Writing is very close to me personally. It makes me feel as if I have purpose. You know?

My mission is to help at least one person. Honestly, I would love to be able to help all 7 Billion people that are existing today in the world. It sounds absolutely impossible, but I will never stop striving to achieve that wish. If it’s in God’s plan for me, then let it be. I’m willing to follow every instruction from Him.

“Making myself happy takes making other people happy.”

This is a safe place here. My blog was made to be exactly that. I want to create something incredible that involves all of you.

You make this.

You have purpose through every word.

Don’t give up.

Stay alive.

Keep going.

If you’re looking for a reason to stay, let this be it. I want you here to experience life’s greatest moments. You are too young and full of potential to leave. God’s not ready for you yet fren. I care too much about you. I mean everything I say. Nothing is said ‘just because’. It all serves as something special.

Disclaimer: I do not own any audio in this blog, all credit goes to the respective owners. 




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